Meet Mohamed, a brave nine-month-old who recently received cleft lip surgery at one of our programmes. Born in the Oromia region of Ethiopia, Mohamed’s parents, Ayat and Fatuma, travelled a long distance to seek treatment for their son.
Despite occasional cases of cleft lip and palate in their area, Fatuma was deeply
worried about her child’s condition. They registered Mohamed at a local health centre, patiently waiting for a solution. Fatuma told us that she would pray to Allah that he would help her son, thanks to Project Harar’s recent program, their prayers were answered, and Mohamed was able to receive treatment for his cleft lip. Overjoyed and grateful, Fatuma expressed her happiness at finding free medical services for her son, as their financial situation had been a concern. She told us “I was very worried because I didn’t have adequate money to treat my child but when people told us that there is free medical service, I didn’t think it was true.’’.
Providing free cleft lip treatment for children like Mohamed is of paramount importance as it offers them a chance to live a life free from the physical and emotional challenges associated with the condition, empowering them to thrive and reach their full potential. Without the support of charities like Project Harar, many of these children would be unable to access the life-changing treatment they desperately need, making your support and donations truly invaluable.
“Me and my family are very thankful to Project Harar for the beautiful and life-changing services provided.”