Project Harar Project Harar

Brother and Sister Tigist and Adane

Brother and sister, Tigist and Adane, were born with cleft lip and palate. We met the family in March 2022, when Ten year old Tigist was having her surgery for her cleft palate and her three year old brother Adane was having his first surgery for his cleft lip in the Amhara region.

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Project Harar Project Harar

Ayana’s Story

We first met Ayana when she and her mother Fatuma came to one of our partnering hospitals, Kadisco Hospital, to get both her cleft lip and palate treated at the start of May 2022.

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Project Harar Project Harar

Kassahun’s Story

During our recent programme at the Kadisco hospital in Addis Ababa, 6 month old Kassahun and his family accessed surgical treatment for his cleft lip and palate through Project Harar's services. After an 11 hour journey to the Kadisco hospital, they recount their story to our team.

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Project Harar Project Harar

Catch up with Gudina over a year after surgical treatment

We first met Gudina and his family on February of 2021, where he was finally able to access surgery for his cleft palate. Gudina was three years old. Following his surgery, delayed as a response to the impact of Covid-19, we interviewed him and his father over the phone to catch up with Gudina.

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Project Harar Project Harar

Wendemeh’s Story

Wendemeh and his brother Gatkuoth travel to the Debre Markos specialised hospital in Amhara to receive treatment for the first time at 15 years old. He and Gatkuoth recount their experiences pre-surgery, and how important it is to destigmatise cleft lip and palate and continue to spread awareness and educate people and schools.

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